Wine Fundamentals

Beyond the Label: A Guide to Assessing Wine Quality

Is the quality of a wine subjective? A casual wine fan would likely argue yes, while a wine professional would be happy to dispute that. We will look at what attributes are investigated when determining a wine's quality.

12 min read

What is Wine Body & How To Determine It? Light vs. Medium vs. Full Body

One of the most common ways that wine is described is by its body. A wine’s body has no physical aspects, it is the sensation that we feel inside of our mouths when we taste it on our palate.

3 min read

What Are Tannins? A Simple Guide To Wine Tannins

Tannins are chemical compounds that belong to a larger group of compounds called polyphenols. They exist in numerous plant based foods and originate from the plants bark, stems, seeds, and skin. Wine tannins are produced from grape skins, seeds, stems, oak barrels, and additives.

4 min read