Wine Fundamentals

What Are Tannins? A Simple Guide To Wine Tannins

Tannins are chemical compounds that belong to a larger group of compounds called polyphenols. They exist in numerous plant based foods and originate from the plants bark, stems, seeds, and skin. Wine tannins are produced from grape skins, seeds, stems, oak barrels, and additives.

4 min read

Wine Decanters: Simple Guide On How & When To Use A Decanter

In this article, you’ll learn about decanters and understand how and when to use one. Let’s solve the mystery, shall we?

5 min read

What is A Wine Aerator? A Quick, Simple Guide

Wine aerators enhance the flavors and aromas of wine, making the tasting experience even more enjoyable. In this article, we will explore the benefits of using a wine aerator and how it can elevate your wine-drinking experience.

2 min read